School Site Council
The School Site Council (SSC) is the decision-making committee that oversees the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) and corresponding categorical budgets.
California Education Code requires the establishment of an SSC for schools receiving certain state and/or federal funds.
2018-19 Members:
Renee Mackay- Principal
Rebel Murphy- 3rd Grade Teacher
Monique Arriola- Kinder Teacher
Kimberly Salo- TK Teacher
Marianne Vosecky- Kinder Teacher
Tina LaCarra- Instructional Assistant
Grace Sanabia- Parent
Robert Padilla- Parent
Vivian Altamirano- Parent
Thelma Flores-Parent
Sophie McIntosh- Parent
School Site Council Meetings are open to our school community.
Meetings will be held in Room 33 from 3:00-4:00pm
SSC Meeting Dates Agenda Items
- October 10, 2018 -School Site Council Training/Review of Bylaws
- November 7, 2018 -School Plan Development
- January 16, 2019 -Safety Plan
- February 6, 2019 -Parent and Family Engagement
- April 10, 2019 -Uniform Complaint Procedures, Home-School Compact, Needs Assessment, LCAP
- May 8, 2019 -Assessments/Curriculum/Program/SPSA Evaluation of Effectiveness